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时间:2012-05-20 21:36 作者: 开云app官网登录入口手机版

Postdoctoral scientist position is available to join our inter-disciplinary program at the
Department of Physiology, McGill University to elucidate the molecular pathogenesis of conformational diseases caused by misfolded membrane protein and their rescue with pharmacological chaperones from September, 2012. We use cell biological, genetic and biochemical approaches to study structural cues that define membrane proteins (e.g. CFTR and GPCRs) biogenesis, biosynthetic and endo-lysosomal trafficking. Future directions also include structural characterization of membrane protein misfolding by HDX and mass spectrometry. Committed candidate must hold a recent Ph.D. with not more than one year of postdoctoral experience. Experience in structural and functional characterization of isolated membrane proteins is an asset. Please submit CV, description of research interest and names of three referees to Dr. Gergely Lukacs (gergely.lukacs@mcgill.ca).

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