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开云体育官方网址下载安装 国际校区Gehan教授课题组博士后招聘

时间:2023-03-23 08:47 作者: 开云app官网登录入口手机版网址://www.garmin-asus.com

开云体育官方网址下载安装 国际校区Gehan教授课题组博士后招聘启事

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一 、研究方向及招聘人数


二 、合作导师介绍

Gehan Amaratunga博士,英国皇家工程院院士,剑桥大学工程学院电子系教授、开云体育官方网址下载安装 兼任教授。目前学术研究兴趣主要是基于电子器件的量子技术。发表学术论文500余篇,共被引用超过40,000次,并且是34项专利的发明人。Gehan教授在欧洲、美国和亚洲相关产业界颇具声望,先后与飞利浦、福特等公司开展过广泛的技术和商业合作。并且,他是四家创业技术公司的创始人。

金浩副教授,开云体育官方网址下载安装 国际联合学院(海宁国际校区)信息电子国际研究中心常务副主任。博士生导师,研究兴趣包括智能传感系统和量子技术。

三 、应聘程序

请将个人中英文简历(含主要学习/研究经历等)、 近5年最具代表性科研成果(不超过5项)及2封推荐信发送至:hjin@zju.edu.cn。邮件标题请注明“博士后申请+姓名”。初审合格者,经导师面试通过后报开云体育官方网址下载安装 审批。经学校批准录用人员,须登录中国博士后网注册,并按开云体育官方网址下载安装 博士后进站程序办理进站。


开云体育官方网址下载安装 国际联合学院(海宁国际校区)


Research direction and recruitment number

Electronic devices based on quantum effects , 1-2 people

Introduction of the Tutors:

Dr. Gehan Amaratunga is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK, Professor of Electronic Engineering at the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge, and adjunct Professor of Zhejiang University. His current research interests are mainly in quantum technology based on electronic devices. He has published over 500 academic papers, which have been cited more than 40,000 times, and is the inventor of 34 patents. Professor Gehan is highly regarded in the European, American, and Asian industrial sectors and has engaged in extensive technological and commercial collaborations with companies such as Philips and Ford. He is also the founder of four start-up technology companies.

Dr. Hao Jin, Deputy Director of International Research Center for Information Science and Electronic Engineering, International Campus, Zhejiang University, Doctoral Supervisor. His research interests include smart sensors and quantum technology.

Application Procedure

Please send your resume (including major study / research experience, etc.), the most representative scientific research achievements in recent 5 years (no more than 5), and 2 letters of recommendation to: hjin@zju.edu.cn. The shortlisted candidates will be interviewed and then recommended to Zhejiang University for approval. The approved candidates will be then guided through the registration procedure.

Working place

International Campus, Zhejiang University.

718 East Haizhou Rd., Haining, Zhejiang.


1. 获得电子器件相关的博士学位,并受过物理和材料方面的良好培训。具有在低温条件下对设备进行电子测量的经验,并有在电子设备上设计和运行实验的经验者优先;

2. 品学兼优、身体健康,年龄一般不超过35周岁;

3. 优秀的论文发表经历,近三年内获得国内重点高校或高水平学科、或海外顶尖大学博士学位者优先;

4. 具有独立进行高水平科研工作的能力,具有良好的学术表现及学术发展潜力,勤奋主动,责任心强,认真负责,具有良好的团队协作精神。

1.The successful candidate is expected to have a PhD related to electronic devices with good training in physics and materials. Experience of having carried out electronic measurements on devices at cryogenic temperatures would be an advantage. While candidates with theoretical backgrounds will be considered, some experience of having designed and run experiments in electronic devices is expected.

2. Excellent in character and learning, in good health, generally not over 35 years old.

3. Excellent paper publishing experience, doctoral degree from domestic key universities or high-level disciplines, or overseas top universities in the past three years is preferred;

4. Have the ability to independently carry out high-level scientific research work, have good academic performance and academic development potential, diligent and active, strong sense of responsibility, serious and responsible, with a good team spirit.


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